Monday, November 7, 2011

Gas Laws

Charles law states that an object is under constant pressure and temperature and volume are in direct relation which means when one of them goes up the other one does too, and when one goes down so does the other. This relates to the temp. and pressure lab because the bottle was always under a little bit of pressure and the temp and volume would rise and fall at the same time.
Boyles law states that temperature always stays the same and volume ad pressure are inversely related which means that when pressure increases the volume decreases. An example of this is in the marshmallow lab, because when you decrease the volume by pushing the syringe in the pressure increases and the marshmallow shrinks up. But when you pull the syringe out the volume increased as the pressure decreased by the marshmallow expanding.
Gay Lusaacs law states that the volume will always stay constant and that the temperature and pressure are related directly. An example of this is in the pressure and temperature lab. As you increase the pressure in the bottle the temperature increases. As you decrease the pressure the temperature also decreases.


  1. You are a genius and correct about everything you said. The marshmallow lab was the best described one but they were all correct. Good job. I am so proud of you


  2. You did a great job explaining what happened within the lab!
