Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chemistry in a Bag!

first put one scoop calcium chloride in a baggie, then add one scoop of sodium bicarbonate(which is just a fancy name for baking soda! XP). Tie them in one cornor of the baggie, the put in one pipette of phenol red* and on pipette of water in. Untie the the other cornor and then start shaking the baggie! The chemical will mix together and turn YELLOW! After a minute or two the baggie will start getting hot and the liguid will turn a orange-ish red. If u do everything right, the baggie will fill up with enough gas that is produced by the chemical change that it will pop! Beware, when your describing the change that smell is a qualitative data and the change creates an odor the is a mix of presh paint and sharpy!

But what did what??

the gas is caused by the baking soda, calcium carbonate and water mixing together.

the heat and the color change was caused by the phenol red and the calcium carbonate

the cold by the baking soda and the phenol red

the smell by the phenol red!

1. The combination that was responsibly for the temperature change was phenol red and calcium carbonate
2. No, except when we mixed the two chemicals from above
3. The color changed from red to yellow to red-ish orange. Yes, the same chemicals responsibly for the change in temperature are responsibly for the change in color
4. No, the bubbles are formed by a different combination of chemical
5. No reaction occurred when there was no water or liquid was present in the baggie.
6. A new chemical was made. You can tell because there was a change in color,temperature and a gas was formed, all signs of a chemical reaction
7. You could see when you mixed the two if there was a chemical reaction
8. Temperature is, because as the atoms of the chemical start reacting the build up speed causing them to collide and make heat

*phenol red stains! so be very careful!

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